

Top High-Paying US Jobs You Should Know About

ByAgkidzone Staff
Updated: Oct 8, 2024


If you’re aiming for a high-paying job, you should definitely take a look at the healthcare field. Interestingly, it’s not just the doctors who are making the big bucks. Beyond the hospital walls, there are lucrative jobs found in executive offices, behind computer screens, and even up in the sky. While salary is an important factor, don’t forget that job satisfaction also plays a huge role in finding the best career for you. Here’s a look at some of the highest-paying jobs in the U.S. as of 2024.

Physicians: Leading the Pack

Physicians cover a wide range of specializations, and unsurprisingly, they top the list. Anesthesiologists lead with an average salary of about $266,000 per year, closely followed by surgeons at $252,000. Obstetricians and gynecologists earn around $235,000, while psychiatrists bring in $216,000. Family doctors, general practitioners (GPs), internists, and pediatricians typically earn just over $200,000 annually. Keep in mind, though, that these salaries come after years of hard work—four years of medical school followed by another four years of residency. Plus, many doctors are still paying off student loans and high malpractice insurance premiums.

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Dentists: A Lucrative Field in Healthcare

Dentists are another high-earning group in the U.S. Oral surgeons top this field, earning an impressive $243,000 per year. Orthodontists aren’t far behind, with salaries around $230,000, while prosthodontists make about $197,000. General dentists, who clean teeth and fill cavities, bring in an average of $188,000 annually. Just like physicians, dentists go through a lengthy education process, but the financial rewards can be well worth it.

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Chief Executive Officers (CEOs): Big Decisions, Big Paychecks

CEOs are known for making big decisions and, often, big paychecks. While not all CEOs are earning the eight-figure salaries you hear about in the news, their average take-home pay is still impressive at $196,960 per year. Interestingly, South Dakota has the highest-paying CEO positions, with other states like Washington, D.C., Rhode Island, Texas, and New Jersey close behind.

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Nurse Anesthetists: Specialized Nurses with Big Salaries

Back to healthcare, nurse anesthetists are highly specialized registered nurses (RNs) with advanced education, and they earn an average of $169,000 a year. This is a great career option for nurses who want to specialize and earn more. Plus, the job market for nurse anesthetists and other specialized nurses is expected to grow by 31 percent through 2026, making it a promising field to enter.

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Airline Pilots: High in the Sky, High in Pay

Being an airline pilot doesn’t just offer the excitement of flying—it also comes with a hefty paycheck. This category includes co-pilots and flight engineers who help navigate the plane during flight. On average, airline pilots earn about $161,280 per year, which is probably reassuring for passengers as they land safely at their destinations.

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Petroleum Engineers: Leading the Engineering Field

Engineers are known for earning good money, but petroleum engineers take it to another level. They design methods to extract oil and gas from the earth and earn nearly $155,000 annually. While the demand for these jobs depends on the oil and gas industry, the field is expected to grow by 15 percent in the coming years, making it a solid option for engineers.

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IT Managers: The Brains Behind Technology

While software designers often grab the spotlight, the high-paying jobs in tech are more frequently on the management side. IT managers, or those with job titles like information systems director, computing services director, or technical services manager, bring home around $150,000 per year. This field is constantly evolving, and with the growing reliance on technology, IT management is a career path with plenty of opportunities.

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Podiatrists: Specialists in Foot Care

Podiatrists may not attend traditional medical school to get an MD, but they still earn a comfortable living with an average salary of $148,470. Most podiatrists earn a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) degree and focus on treating foot problems. With people unlikely to stop having foot issues anytime soon, this field offers both job security and a healthy income.

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Managers: High Pay Across Many Industries

Managers in various fields tend to earn solid salaries. Leading the way are architectural and engineering managers, who earn about $146,290 per year. Close behind are financial managers at the same amount, while marketing managers bring in around $145,620. Sales managers and natural sciences managers, including positions like lab directors and research and development leaders, earn between $136,000 and $140,600 per year. These roles offer a lot of responsibility, but they also come with great financial rewards.

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Lawyers: A Wide Range of Earnings

The average lawyer earns around $141,890, though the pay range varies widely depending on the field. Lawyers working for large private firms or corporations often earn significantly more, while public defenders or district attorneys may make less. Many lawyers also dedicate time to pro bono work, which can be rewarding but isn’t financially compensated. Becoming a lawyer requires three years of law school and passing the bar exam, but the potential salary can make it all worthwhile.

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Final Words

Choosing the right career isn’t just about finding the highest-paying job—it’s also about finding a job you enjoy and that fits your lifestyle. However, if a high salary is a priority, the careers listed above offer some of the best financial rewards in the U.S. It’s always a good idea to consider what you’re passionate about, but it doesn’t hurt to aim for a career that also pays well.


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