

Natural Ways to Cure a Hangover at Home

ByAgkidzone Staff
Updated: Oct 29, 2024


A night of heavy drinking can lead to a morning filled with regrets, aches, and pains. Among other things, a nasty hangover—typically featuring a pounding headache and an upset stomach—is what you'll be dealing with. While you might be hoping for a quick fix to have you feeling fresh and bright in no time, there are no magic cures. However, there are some remedies that can help provide relief to a certain extent. So, let's dive in and explore what these are.

Believe it or not, exercise might be the last thing you want to do when hungover, but it can greatly help your body recover after a night of drinking. It helps flush out toxins faster and releases endorphins that boost your mood. However, don't overdo it and make sure to drink plenty of water to prevent further dehydration. Taking a walk or a slow jog would be ideal low-intensity exercises for you. After all, getting moving can kickstart your recovery.
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Sports Drinks
When plain water just isn't cutting it, sports drinks rich in electrolytes are what your body craves after a drinking session. So, grab a sports drink when you're tired of sipping water. These drinks not only hydrate you and replenish essential minerals but also give you an energy boost. However, avoid heavily caffeinated drinks—they may cause further dehydration. If you can't find a sports drink, oral rehydration solutions are a good alternative. In other words, rehydration is key to feeling better.
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Potassium-Rich Foods
Your first meal after a night of heavy drinking should ideally be rich in potassium. This will energize you, relieve muscle weakness, and alleviate nausea if you're experiencing any. You can munch on bananas, kiwis, mushrooms, leafy greens, baked potatoes, or dried apricots if you have them on hand. However, if you feel sick when eating, give your body some time before consuming too much. After all, listening to your body's needs is essential for recovery.
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Ginger or Peppermint Tea
If your hangover has led to nausea or stomach pain, brewing some ginger or peppermint tea can work wonders. Both are known to soothe the digestive system and calm an upset stomach. By sipping the tea periodically, you'll stimulate your body's detoxification mechanisms and start feeling better. Opt for freshly brewed tea instead of instant mixes if possible. Alternatively, green tea can also be beneficial if ginger or peppermint aren't available. In short, a warm cup of tea can be your best friend.
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Another great breakfast option after a night of heavy drinking is good old eggs. They contain powerful amino acids that help rid your body of toxins, especially those produced from alcohol consumption. However, don't prepare your eggs with heavy amounts of grease or butter—this may increase nausea. Instead, make a light meal without using too much fat for cooking. After all, you want to ease your stomach, not upset it further.
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While reaching for spring vegetables like asparagus might not be your first instinct when hungover, it's actually a good idea. Asparagus is packed with nutrients and amino acids that protect your body against damage from alcohol by-products. Eating asparagus will also ease stress on your liver, helping to mitigate long-term health consequences from your night of drinking. So, consider adding some asparagus to your meal. It might just be the pick-me-up your body needs.
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Toast or Crackers
For those who suffer from severe nausea after heavy drinking, eating simple bland foods the next morning is advisable. Munch on toast and crackers until the urge to vomit passes, as these are less taxing on your sensitive digestive system. If you're able to keep that down, you can then consider eating more normal food at your next meal. In other words, start slow and give your body time to recover.
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When you indulge in a bit too much alcohol, your body loses essential nutrients like B12 and folate. Though these get replenished naturally over a few days, taking a multivitamin when hungover is recommended nonetheless. This will help your body get back to normal as soon as possible. It's a great way to ensure post-binge damage control. So, consider popping a multivitamin to aid your recovery.
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Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it dehydrates your body. That's what causes most of your hangover woes. So, the first thing to do is hydrate yourself generously. Drink water every hour to restore your body's water content. If possible, drink water before going to bed on a night you've been drinking to prevent a massive hangover in the first place. And begin the next day with two glasses of water to fight off the hangover. After all, staying hydrated is half the battle.
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