

Scabies: A Very Itchy But Curable Rash

ByAgkidzone Staff
Updated: Jun 13, 2024


There are hundreds of thousands of cases of scabies alone in the United States of America. The total number of affected people in the world is approximately even more than 100 million. But there is good news regarding this disease too. Scabies is easy to get cured using oral and topical medicines. But the symptoms can be painful & irritating.. It depends how long you have allowed the mites on your skin to spread.


Itching is none but one of the main symptoms of scabies. The itching sensation varies person to person. The itching can be different from the location of the mites. It often begins in a focused location. Then it spreads out. The scabies mites are mostly active at night. This is why it can hamper your sleep. You can take a lukewarm bath or cool bath to relieve this particular symptom.

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It comes right after the itching sets in. You will see some uneven, blotchy patches on your skin. It can affect anywhere on your body including the thigh, armpit, stomach, and buttock. These are the most common locations. Some people have rashes even around their nipples. You can easily confuse these rashes with other skin infections. This makes the diagnosis a bit difficult.

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Mite Tunnels

Mite tunnels develop beneath the skin. The mites push through these locations into the body. It can be one to ten inches long. It can affect the skin and leave fine silvery lines on your skin. These mite tunnels are visible in the webbing between the fingers, on your hands, and inside the wrists. But these tunnels can pass through anywhere on your body.

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Worsen Pres-existing Skin Condition

Scabies can worsen your other skin infections or skin problems. If you have eczema, or psoriasis, it can get worse with scabies. It can cause dry skin too. People can get relief after using high-quality moisturizer. You can apply topical medicines too. But you are advised to visit a skin doctor.

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Scabies even causes nausea too. But it is hard to diagnose. Because many other diseases also cause nausea. The mite tunnels are the culprit of this nausea. It can prompt other stomach flu-like symptoms too. You need to visit a doctor after nausea persists more than a few weeks. Visit a doctor after continuously vomiting for more than 24 hours.

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Insomnia is also a by-product of scabies. It is a common issue. So it becomes difficult to detect. The mites increase their activity during the night. This causes irritation. It creates the symptom of insomnia. You will find it difficult to sleep because of itching and the feeling of something moving right under your skin. You can use temporary sleeping pills and anti-itch medicines.

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Allergic Reactions

Parasites can cause an allergic reaction. This can add more uncomfortable symptoms. Scabies can develop red bumps on your skin. It happens when your skin comes in touch with the mites, their wastes, and eggs. This irritation can cause inflammation. Allergic medications can get you relief.

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Feeling light headed or dizziness is another symptom of scabies. Changes in the inner health can throw off the equilibrium of your body. This symptom goes hand in hand with nausea. You are advised to take necessary precautions when you feel dizzy. You should sit down to avoid injuries due to fainting. Do not operate any vehicle till your doctor gives permissions to.

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Crusted Skin

There is a more advanced scabies infection like crusted skin. Your skin gets visible crusted layers growing over abrasions and mite tunnels. You will get this infection when you are infected with thousands of mites. Impaired immune system can also cause this infection with only a few mites.

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Contact with Infected Person

You can get caught with irritating scabies infection after coming into contact with a scabies infected person. This irritating disease is a very highly contagious disease. Mites can travel from one person to another using skin to skin contact. So try to prevent the disease by avoiding coming in contact with a scabies infected person.

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