

101 Would You Rather Questions Middle School (Printable)

ByAgkidzone Staff
Updated: Jun 13, 2024


“Would you rather…?” questions for small children and middle schoolers are fun and quick ways to get the kids to get their brains running. Aren’t they? So in this read, we exclusively have brought to you 101 good, funny and kid-friendly would you rather questions middle school games.

101 Would You Rather Questions Middle School

We have scorched the internet and found the best 101 would you rather questions middle school you can ask. These questions will help you to have more fun conversations with kids and understand them more.

  1. Would you rather love to read minds or teleport as a superpower?

  2. Would you rather host a show in front of 1000 unknown people or 50 close ones?

  3. Would you rather hear your favorite song or a new song daily?

  4. Would you rather win a Grammy award or an Oscar award?

  5. Would you rather eat unhealthy food or healthy food always?

  6. Would you rather live in an isolated city or a crowded city?

  7. Would you rather prefer fruit juices or aerated beverages?

  8. Would you rather have dog babies or your children after you get married?

  9. Would you rather have a dog-sized elephant or an elephant-sized dog?

  10. Would you rather be a sports player or scientist?

  11. Would you rather visit your favorite place or visit new places every year?

  12. Would you rather always be tired or sleepy?

  13. Would you rather be in an argument or a debate?

  14. Would you rather watch a new movie or a favorite movie?

  15. Would you rather like to live on a mountain or an island alone?

  16. Would you rather not eat chocolates or eat them daily?

  17. Would you rather prefer winter break or spring break?

  18. Would you rather have a talking a Pegasus or a talking dog as your friend?

  19. Would you rather smell a foul smell or hear loud noises?

  20. Would you rather have a pet or a tv?

  21. Would you rather be a musician or a painter?

  22. Would you rather get bitten by a shark or stung by jellyfish?

  23. Would you rather do rapping or rhyme every time you talk?

  24. Would you rather be the most good-looking person or the most intelligent person on the planet?

  25. Would you rather like to live in the Amazon or Antarctica?

  26. Would you rather do a workout daily or do yoga daily?

  27. Would you rather drive a car or ride a motorbike?

  28. Would you rather have a porcupine or a skunk as a pet?

  29. Would you rather have tiny feet or big feet?

  30. Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet or cat as a pet?

  31. Would you rather become a singer or a dancer?

  32. Would you rather have an elephant’s nose or ear?

  33. Would you rather wear socks inside out or socks with holes?

  34. Would you rather eat home-cooked meals or food from the school cafeteria?

  35. Would you rather stop streaming movies or tv shows?

  36. Would you rather use a computer or mobile phone?

  37. Would you rather study late at night or study in the morning?

  38. Would you rather have a train journey or a road journey?

  39. Would you rather eat a burger or pizza?

  40. Would you rather be a sports player or a science nerd?

  41. Would you rather watch the ending or the beginning of the movie?

  42. Would you rather go to a jungle safari or a museum?

  43. Would you rather not take a shower or not brush for a week?

  44. Would you rather get your phone stolen or your wallet stolen?

  45. Would you rather stay without a computer for a month or a phone without a month?

  46. Would you rather have a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion?

  47. Would you rather be a captain of a ship or fly a plane?

  48. Would love to have one sibling or three siblings?

  49. Would you rather travel through the sea or travel through the air?

  50. Would you rather be the youngest child or the first child?

  51. Would you rather eat from Mcdonald’s or Domino’s for a year?

  52. Would you rather drink hot tea or ice tea?

  53. Would you rather spend time with childhood friends or school friends?

  54. Would you rather go fishing or hunting?

  55. Would you rather ditch fruits or vegetables for a week?

  56. Would you rather read a newspaper or a magazine?

  57. Would you rather live alone or with 100 people in a big palace?

  58. Would you rather be late or early for everything?

  59. Would you rather have sticky hands or dirty hands?

  60. Would you rather have a phone or no phone?

  61. Would you rather be friends with negative people or stay away from them?

  62. Would you rather visit your dream location or meet your favorite person?

  63. Would you rather drop your phone in a big hole full of snakes or water?

  64. Would you rather work at a shopping center or in a hospital?

  65. Would you rather drink cold water or warm water for life?

  66. Would you rather eat non-veg food or vegan food for life?

  67. Would you rather be a dentist or a dermatologist?

  68. Would you rather become successful for things that you did not make or create something useful?

  69. Would you rather spend the whole day on your favorite subject or the whole day watching the tv?

  70. Would you rather put salt on your wound or eat a whole lemon?

  71. Would you rather write 10 pages or a 10-minute presentation?

  72. Would you rather wear smaller shoes or bigger shoes?

  73. Would you rather go to be a night owl or an early riser?

  74. Would you rather get free travel expenses for life or get free food and drinks?

  75. Would you rather have a phone that always has 100% charge or a car that is loaded with fuel?

  76. Would you rather know the past or the future?

  77. Would you rather be a videographer or a photographer?

  78. Would you rather lick a wall or eat your unfavorite food?

  79. Would you rather be the best sports player or the best cook?

  80. Would you rather have continuous sneezes or hiccups?

  81. Would you rather sing or yell to talk?

  82. Would you rather have hair or no hair?

  83. Would you rather love to dance or not dance every time you walk?

  84. Would you rather wear a new outfit or your favorite clothes daily?

  85. Would you rather prefer to be shorter or taller?

  86. Would you rather steer a ship or fly a plane?

  87. Would you rather put mixed fruit jam or peanut butter on bread?

  88. Would you rather hop on two legs or one leg while walking?

  89. Would you rather celebrate Christmas or Halloween daily?

  90. Would you rather enjoy winter or summer?

  91. Would you rather go to a library or visit a zoo?

  92. Would you rather eat salty or sugary food?

  93. Would you rather have strong teeth or strong hair?

  94. Would you rather have strong smelling senses hearing senses?

  95. Would you rather love dance or do Zumba?

  96. Would you rather live in a spaceship or a submarine?

  97. Would you rather play outdoor games or indoor games?

  98. Would you rather watch a happy ending movie or a sad ending movie?

  99. Would you rather turn into a lion or a crocodile?

  100. Would you rather go water diving or skydiving?

  101. Would you rather have a farm full of cows or chickens?


Steps On How To Play Would You Rather Games With Kids
  1. Get a printed copy of the list of questions.
  2. Cut each question into slips.
  3. Break the class into small teams.
  4. Share different question slips in each group and select one representative for the answer.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are good questions for Would You Rather for middle school kids?

Ans: You can ask a certain list of good questions related to if they want more money or more time, get a pause button or a rewind button in life, and whether they want to talk in foreign languages or speak to animals and birds of all kinds.

Q2. What’s the hardest would you rather question for middle schoolers?

Ans: There are various tough questions for middle school-going kids such as whether they want superpowers or want to live forever and would they want to be an untidy person or ugly individual.

Q3. What are the would you rather questions about food for middle school?

Ans: You can ask countless food questions to middle schools such as preferences between ice cream or pizza for the rest of their lives, would prefer to smell like garlic or onions every day, and would prefer candy or ice cream all the time.

Q4. Would you rather questions about bugs?

Ans: You can ask a lot of questions related to bugs such as would they rather swallow a bee or a wasp, get the power to kill the entire race of spiders or stinging insects, and touch 20 spiders for $10,000 or 15 cockroaches for $5,000.

Q5. What are the best would you rather questions for middle school?

Ans: The best would you rather questions for middle schools are: Would you rather eat your favorite food or eat a new dish daily, would you rather sleep late or wake up early, would you rather have a small group of good friends or a big group of good and bad friends and would you rather take revenge on your own or take someone’s help to get justice.


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