

Stretches That Can Relieve Lower Back Pain

ByAgkidzone Staff
Updated: Jun 13, 2024


Are you suffering from lower back problems? Then I have something for you. I shall tell you some great lower back stretches. These stretches will help you to get rid of this annoying lower back pain. Lower back pains derive from muscle strains of your hip or back portion. These stretches will help to relax these muscles. But please avoid these exercises if you have any serious injury. But if you do not have, let us see what are the stretches. Let us start!

Hip Airplanes

Put one foot on the floor. Pull the other leg at the back side. Lean down forward from your waist. Place your hands straight touching your ears. Your head and your other leg should be in one single line. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds. Then change the legs and repeat. Take deep breaths while doing this exercise.

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Child Pose

You can understand this exercise from the name itself. It is called the child’s pose. It stretches the abdominal and back muscles. Start this exercise with your hands under your shoulders and knees under the hips in a tabletop position. Slowly take your hands forward while keeping your palms flat. Your chest must drape across your thighs. Your lower back should be curved. Your forehead should rest on the ground. Your hip should sit on your heels. You can use a cushion under your heels. Hold for 30-40 secs. Take deep breaths.

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Sitting Rotational Stretch

You can do this exercise if you do not like lying on the floor. This exercise helps to relax your oblique muscles. Sit on the ground. Cross your left leg over your other leg. Put your left foot on the floor. Wrap your right arm around the left knee. Twist your waist towards the left knee. Straighten your spine. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Breath well. Repeat with the next leg.

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Knee-to-chest Stretch

This stretch helps with the lower back muscles. The process is to Bend your knees and lie on the ground. Pull your left knee using both hands. Your shoulders should touch the ground. Hold it for 5-10 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.

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Supine Twist

This exercise is for your gluteal muscles. This exercise helps to heal your gluteal muscles. Lay on the floor facing upward. Keep your knees bent. Lower your knees to the left side. Keep the shoulders on the floor while doing that. Hold it for 10-15 seconds. Then switch your knee to the right side.

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Cow Pose & Cat Stretch

It helps with the flexor and extensor muscles of your back. It helps with hip muscles too. Start with the tabletop position. Keep the spine parallel to the floor. Slightly bend your elbows. Arch your back like a cat. Drop your head. Place the shoulders towards the ceiling. Hold it for 5-10 seconds. Then release your back towards the floor. Lift your chin gently. Your neck should not miss its place. Bring your chest forward through your arms. Hold it for 5-10 seconds. Repeat several times.

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Pelvic Tilt

Bend your knees. Lie on the ground. Please keep your feet close to your hip. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Lift your hip towards the ceiling. Use your glutes to keep the feet on the ground. Hold the position for 10-15 seconds, then relax slowly.

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Hamstring Stretch

Hamstring muscles are responsible for lower back pain too. Stretching this muscle will help you to get rid of lower back pains. Lie back on the floor on your back. Your shoulders should touch the floor. Now draw your one thigh towards your chest. Keep the foot flat and towards your face. Bend your knees. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

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Kneeling Lunge Stretch

Tight hip flexors can cause your lower back pain. They pull the pelvis and hips out of line. Start in the kneel position. Move your right leg forward. Keep the foot flat on the floor. The knee should bend 90 degrees. Put your body weight evenly on both hips. Place both hands on the forwarded knee. Lean ahead slightly. Hold for 10 seconds. Come back. Repeat with the other leg.

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Piriformis Stretch

Piriformis muscle begins in your lower back. It stretches to your femur. It sits close to the sciatic nerve. If you have sciatica, you can feel back pain due to this muscle. Bend knees. Lie flat on the floor.cross your left leg over your right leg. Put the left ankle on the right knee. Now pull your right leg towards your face. Hold the pose for 10 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

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Trunk rotation stretch

Clasp the hands together while standing. Place them slightly below the chest. Slightly rotate them to one side. Do not lean the torso. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then repeat it to the other side. The higher the hand position, the higher the tension.

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Legs Up The Wall Pose

Lie your back beside a wall. Put both legs up on the wall. Your hip should touch the wall. Now put your hands on both sides. Straighten your hands to both sides. Hold this position for 15-20 seconds, then lie down normally. Repeat this for 5 to 6 times. Breath deeply in every set. You can also bend your knees and press the legs against the wall as well.

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Sphinx Position

This pose alleviates your back pain. Lie on your stomach on the ground. Keep your forearms stuck to your chest. Raise your head by pressing your forearms to the ground. Raise your shoulder and chest too. Keep your head and spine in one single and straight line. Do not crane your neck upward. You do not need to arc back much. Press up unless you feel comfort in your back. Hold the position, breath slowly, then rest.

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