

Side Effects of Milk Thistle

ByAgkidzone Staff
Updated: Jun 13, 2024


Milk thistle is normally used to treat hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis, diabetes, gallbladder issue, and spleen problems. Silymarin is one of the main active ingredients of milk thistle. It has the benefits of antioxidants. You can consume it as capsules, liquid extract, or tablets. Reports say milk thistle is safe for you. It is not harmful if you take the recommended dose. Though a few people can face side effects of it.


Gastrointestinal issues is the most common issue among milk thistle users. So you have to reduce fatty, dairy, and fried foods. Reducing these foods will help to decrease the gastrointestinal issues. You have to decrease high-fiber foods too. You can take over-the-counter medicines for this problem.

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Milk thistle mostly causes diarrhea in its users. Allergenic people with milk thistle related plants can have diarrhea when they consume it. You should take anti-diarrheal medicines if you are suffering this side effect.

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Bloating can occur as a side effect of milk thistle plants. This side effect is temporary. It’s temporary because the plant is a treatment for an upset stomach. People are using Milk Thistle for more than 2000 years as a healing herb. You can take gas relief pills to overcome this side effect.

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This is an upper abdominal discomfort. It can include bloating, feeling too full, or nausea. Ragweed and other milk thistle plant related allergies can trigger these side effects. You can drink soda water to fight indigestion.

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Nausea is another side effect of milk thistle plants like ragweed. But this is also a temporary side effect. It can persist for a long time only after multiple doses of milk thistle. It is best to stop having the herb after facing this side effect.

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This is one another side effect of milk thistle. It is very important to monitor the nosebleed closely. If it does not stop in a minute of a few— check for another issue that can cause this symptom. If not found, go to a doctor immediately.

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One possible side effect of milk thistle is rashes on your skin. But all these side effects are possible only to those who are allergic to milk thistle plants like ragweed. So you have to consult with your doctor before starting to have this particular supplement.

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If you are allergic to milk thistle plants— you can get this side effect — itching on your skin. But this symptom resolves itself very quickly. You have to discontinue the supplement if it is not gone automatically. You can apply ice or cold water to get relief from itching.

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You can experience a slight headache after having milk thistle. This side effect is very common and it resolves itself automatically. You have to take a lot of water to avoid any future headache problems due to dietary supplements.

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Severe Allergic Reaction

Allergic reactions are common side effects of milk thistle. It makes the immune system release several different chemicals that can lead your body to shock. These could be low blood pressure, narrow airways, or a weak pulse. So you must have to consult a doctor before starting to take this particular dietary supplement.

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The Final Words

There can be many side effects of milk thistle like nausea, itching, rashes, headaches, nosebleeds, diarrhea, low pulse, etc. each and every symptom should be treated by a doctor.


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